

Photographer Harry Jay Siskind, started his photographic career, as a Photojournalist in the early 70's just two weeks before graduating high school, working for the Associated press.
Within weeks he was shooting the Democratic and Republican Convention on Miami Beach.
It was from there Siskind ended up Photographing and becoming friends with, President Nixon, Dr. Henry Kissinger, General Alexander Haig, the Kennedy Family including Rose, Jackie, Senator Ted, John Jr. and Ethel.
While shooting, he continued his Education at Miami Dade Jr. Collage, Florida International University and University of Miami,
From the AP, the Photo Editor at Time Magazine, convinced Harry he could make more money in a day, then he made in a week, and have fun shooting more, doing contract work for various magazines around the world and as they say the rest was history.
Mr. Siskind's photos, have graced the covers of most major publications around the world, Example's would be Time, Life, Look, Newsweek, and Rolling Stone to name just some in the U.S., Paris Match in France, Bunte in Germany, Hola, Sunday People, and The Sunday Mirror in the U.K. and the list goes on and on around the world.
Harry continued to shoot exclusive assignments for celebrities around the world , including but not limited to, Elvis, Liz Taylor, Michael Jackson, and the list goes on and on.
Photographer Harry Jay Siskind has had the privilege to photograph Pope John Paul, and Pope Francis, and every President from Nixon to Clinton.
During the 70's, 80's, 90's, Harry could be found on the sets of Movies and TV Specials around the world as a "Special Magazine Photographer".
In the early 80's, Siskind became the Executive Photo Editor of the New York Post. From there he went on to help create, Executive Produce, and Co-Produce, TV Shows.
After putting up his film cameras in the late 90's, Siskind won his first digital camera from Sony just a few short years ago, his passion and styles for photography has grown even more today, where he shoots exclusively with Sony Mirrorless Cameras, Sony Lenses, and only for select clients.
Have a special project, or just want some WOW photos of you, perhaps on the streets of New York, Paris, or maybe even Cuba, give him a call who knows, you could become his next client.